Glue overcame the odds, finding a home of her own!
We first met Glue in the fall of 2019 when a kind woman who had been feeding a stray cat noticed a problem with the cat’s eyes. The condition was serious enough to require attention, but most likely more attention than the woman could provide. That’s when she brought her to us.
We named the cat Glue. We didn’t know her age but judging by her arthritis, her missing teeth, and her overall condition, we knew she was a senior. In spite of her gunky eyes and her poor condition, she was a very sweet cat. She would bonk her head against the cage door in an effort to gain our attention as we’d pass by and had an impressive feline vocabulary, altering her meows in response to what was happening around her and our reactions to her. She was highly interactive and we fell in love with her.
Glue needed a lot of care in the beginning. We began treating her eye infections but soon discovered that she was suffering from a condition called entropion in which the eyelid turns inward, allowing the skin and eyelashes to rub against the eye. This condition typically requires corrective surgery. Both eyes were repaired, and once she was free of the cone of shame after the surgery, Glue could experience complete relief from what may have been a long-standing painful condition.
Her next medical hurdle was an infected foot, which required surgery on her toe. But once that was addressed and healed, and she was started on some joint supplements for arthritis, she began to move around more comfortably and feel better in general. We eventually put her up for adoption.
While she waited for someone to fall in love her like we had, she made some friends. One little guy named Orion really took to her. Glue became like the tolerant Auntie who would put up with the playful little cat for just so long and then draw the line, never in a big way, but always effectively. Their friendship lasted until he got adopted. He left, Glue stayed behind. Unfortunately, so many great older cats are overlooked when the antics of a kitten catch an adopter’s eye.
Then in May of this year, 2 yrs. and 7 months from when she first came to us, Glue’s right family came along. Not only did they kindly choose Glue to be their cat, but they also decided to adopt a companion for her, Easy-E, a handsome adult yellow tabby. While we are always happy to see one of our animals leave the building destined for a new home, we were especially happy that this time it was Glue!