About Us

Our Mission The Florida Keys SPCA is dedicated to the humane treatment of all animals through compassionate care, adoption, education, population control and humane law enforcement.

We are a completely independent, private, not-for-profit organization and are not funded by, any other state or national humane organization. Monroe County funds a contract for FKSPCA to provide animal control services in our jurisdiction, yet for additional community services we provide, we rely on grants, fundraising and donations from supporters like you to help us provide a high standard of care for our animals.

But our Mission extends beyond the animals we care for.

We are committed to becoming a welcoming, diverse and inclusive environment for everyone who works at or visits the FKSPCA – only then can we truly serve the entire community.

We believe that no one should be judged on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability or level of income.

We are committed to reinventing our hiring practices, workplace policies, accessibility of our services and approaches to marketing and organizational culture in order to overcome the structural bias that exists in the world today.

We believe in collaboration with other organizations and institutions within the community to help achieve the equity to which all humans are entitled.

We thank our community for holding us accountable and invite you to engage with the FKSPCA by emailing comments to Tammy@fkspca.org.

Key West Campus

5711 College Road

Key West, FL  33040

(305) 294-4857


Monday - Friday: 10am-6pm

Saturday: 10am-2pm

Sunday: Closed

Animal Control District: MM0-MM16.7

Marathon Campus

10550 Aviation Boulevard

Marathon, FL  33050

(305) 743-4800


Tuesday - Friday: 9:30am-4:30pm

Saturday & Sunday: 10:30am-2pm

Monday: Closed

Animal Control District: MM16.7-MM70